If you want to "neuter" the dev database, there are a few steps you will want to take to avoid generating cross traffic.
There is a script that was written by Todd Hardin (now with Saleslogix pro services) that does a very thorough job of eliminating conflicts
-- script: makeSafeDevTestDB.sql -- Author: Todd Hardin, Sage SalesLogix Professional Services Group -- Revision: 1.2 -- Release: For public release, *USE AT OWN RISK* -- -- IMPORTANT NOTE: Assumes you are logged in as SA user -- use <YourDatabaseNameHere> go
-- Assuming this database has just been Restored/Attached -- Can't hurt to run this. print 'Perform fixup on sysdba login to user mapping for this DB' exec sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'sysdba', 'sysdba' print ' '
-- Reset Admin password to "password" print 'Reset Admin password to "password"' update sysdba.usersecurity set userpw = '9A4AEF2EE82EDC0B22' where userid = 'ADMIN' -- -- set password to a <blank> password -- update sysdba.usersecurity set userpw = '62c3a78ae34a2b0f62' where userid = 'ADMIN'
-- declare variables declare @dbname varchar(32) declare @newHostSiteCode char(4) declare @oldHostSiteCode char(4)
declare @LibraryUNC varchar(128) declare @AttachmentsUNC varchar(128)
-- initialize implementation specific variables -- NOTE: edit these values as desired for your implementation -- ##################################################################### select @newHostSiteCode = 'AAAA' select @LibraryUNC = '\\YourServer\DevShares\Library' select @AttachmentsUNC = '\\YourServer\DevShares\Attachments'
-- Retrieve the current site code for the Main host system select @oldHostSiteCode = sitecode from sysdba.systeminfo where systeminfoid = 'PRIMARY'
-- ##################################################################### -- Section 1: Remove all SyncServer and RemoteOffice Definitions print 'Section 1: Remove all SyncServer and RemoteOffice Definitions' print '#############################################################' print ' '
-- delete siteoptions records that are tied to syncservers
print 'deleting siteoptions records that are tied to syncservers' delete from sysdba.siteoptions where sitecode in (select sitecode from sysdba.syncserver)
-- delete license records that represent any syncserver print 'deleting license record(s) that represent any syncserver(s)' delete from sysdba.licenses where userid in (select sitecode from sysdba.SyncServer)
-- update siteoptions table for records which represent users print 'updating hostserver reference in siteoptions table for all records which represent system users' update sysdba.siteoptions set hostserver = 'NOSYNCSERVER' where sitecode in (select primarysite from sysdba.usersecurity) -- Ideally we would have cleand up the SiteOptions blob to remove mapping of User to SyncTransfer profile. -- Had considered setting blob = NULL -- Decided to leave blob alone as blob appears to also be used for LAN users.
-- cleanup branchoptions table -- delete any remote offices defined print 'deleting all remote office definitions' delete from sysdba.branchoptions where sitecode not in (select primaryserver from sysdba.systeminfo where systeminfoid = 'PRIMARY') -- update the record representing the main host office print 'updating branchoptions table for record representing main host office' update sysdba.branchoptions set sitecode = 'NOSYNCSERVER', attachmentpath = @AttachmentsUNC, saleslibrarypath = @LibraryUNC
-- delete all syncserver definitions print 'deleting all syncserver definitions from syncserver table' delete from sysdba.syncserver
-- delete the UNC to the sync service job definition file print 'deleting syncservicefile (sync job file) record' delete from sysdba.syncservicefile -- delete any SyncTransfer profile definitions print 'deleting all sync transfer profile definitions from synctransfer table' delete from sysdba.synctransfer
-- change all Remote (Mobile) users to Network users print 'changing all remote users to be network users in usersecurity table' update sysdba.usersecurity set type = 'N' where type = 'M'
-- delete all prior usersubscription information print 'deleting all usersubscription information since users are no longer remotes' delete from sysdba.usersubscription -- cleanup syncserver work tables print 'deleting sync work table - synsequencing' delete from sysdba.syncsequencing print 'deleting sync work table - syncjobhistory' delete from sysdba.syncjobhistory print 'deleting sync work table - syncfiletracking' delete from sysdba.syncfiletracking
-- special clean-up for discontinue IQ Reporting tool print 'deleting legacy IQ Objects schema record from systeminfo table' delete from sysdba.systeminfo where systeminfoid = 'IQKBASE'
-- clean up the systeminfo table print 'updates to system info table to cleanup record for main host office'
-- uncomment if SLX v6.0.1 --update sysdba.systeminfo set primaryserver = 'NOSYNCSERVER', pingport = NULL, pingserver = NULL, RWPass = NULL
-- This version for SLXv6.1; NULLs out new column "ROPASS" update sysdba.systeminfo set primaryserver = 'NOSYNCSERVER', pingport = NULL, pingserver = NULL, RWPass = NULL, ROPass = NULL
-- ################################################################## -- Section 2: Remove all SLX Web configuration information print 'Section 2: Remove all SLX Web configuration information' print '#############################################################' print ' '
-- delete siteoptions records the correspond to WebServer DLL Instances print 'deleting siteoptions records the correspond to WebServer DLL Instances' delete from sysdba.siteoptions where sitecode in (select sitecode from sysdba.slxwebserver)
-- delete web server defintion(s) print 'deleting web server defintion(s) from slxwebdata table' delete from sysdba.slxwebdata
-- delete web server DLL instance definition(s) print 'deleting web server DLL instance definition(s) from slxwebserver table' delete from sysdba.slxwebserver
-- ################################################################## -- Section 3: Change the SiteCode of the main/host system print 'Section 3: Change the SiteCode of the main/host system' print '#############################################################' print ' ' print 'Updating main host site code from: ' + @oldHostSiteCode + ' to: ' + @newHostSiteCode
-- update siteoptions table to reflect the newHostSiteCode print 'Updating sitecode in siteoptions table for record representing main host office' update sysdba.siteoptions set sitecode = @newHostSiteCode where sitecode = @oldHostSiteCode
-- update systeminfo table to reflect the newHostSiteCode print 'updating systeminfo table to reflect the newHostSiteCode' update sysdba.systeminfo set sitecode = @newHostSiteCode where sitecode = @oldHostSiteCode
-- update sitekeys to newHostSiteCode as well as resetting key generator base values -- also deletes any entries from sitekeys that do not match the oldHostSiteCode print 'resetting sitekeys ID generation table to new SiteCode and resetting KeyBase counter to: A000000'
delete from sysdba.sitekeys where sitecode <> @oldHostSiteCode update sysdba.sitekeys set sitecode = @newHostSiteCode, keyvalue = 'A000000'
-- ################################################################### -- Section 4: Change the sitecode for each USER -- This proceedure uses a sequentially assigned decimal number -- for each USER sitecode. -- U001 - U999 -- Ideally we should check for collisions on the rare change -- that a SITECODE of the form U### already exists in the database. -- -- An alternative would be to use randomly assigned base36 values -- just as SLX does. -- print 'Section 4: Change the sitecode for each USER' print '#############################################################' print ' '
declare userlist cursor for select primarysite from sysdba.usersecurity
declare @oldUserSiteCode char(4) declare @newUserSiteCode char(4) declare @UserCounter int
-- init counter select @UserCounter = 0
open userlist fetch next from userlist into @oldUserSiteCode while @@fetch_status = 0 begin select @UserCounter = @UserCounter + 1 select @newUserSiteCode = 'U' + right ('000' + CAST(@UserCounter as varchar), 3) print 'Updating user sitecode from: ' + @oldUserSiteCode + ' to: ' + @newUserSiteCode update sysdba.siteoptions set sitecode = @newUserSiteCode where sitecode = @oldUserSiteCode update sysdba.usersecurity set primarysite = @newUserSiteCode where primarysite = @oldUserSiteCode fetch next from userlist into @oldUserSiteCode end close userlist deallocate userlist
-- ################################################################### -- Section 5: Manual Tasks print 'Section 5: Manual Tasks' print '#############################################################' print ' ' print 'Must do:' print 'Edit/Recreate the Data Connection definition for this database' print 'This is necessary to populate the systeminfo table columns' print 'pingport, pingserver, and RWPass' print ' ' print ' ' print 'End of script'
-- Optional: SyncServer, RemoteOffices, etc. -- If you need a sync server or remote offices for your Dev/Test environment, then -- re-install licenses and configure to use your Dev/Test SyncServer, Test FTp server, etc.
-- Optional: SLX Legacy WebServer -- If you need to use the SLX Web features, use WebManager to defined new WebProfile(s) and WebServer(s) -- configured to use your Dev/Test servers.
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