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 Author  Thread: Scribe Insight assistance
Adam Conde
Posts: 13
Scribe Insight assistanceYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Sep 06 8:30 PM
I perform quarterly imports (update/insert) of contacts and accounts into SalesLogix from a 3rd-party database that my company subscribes to.

This database contains 120,000+ contacts and 88,000 accounts.

The accounts stays basically the same, but there is high turn-over with contacts.
What I would like to do is remove all contacts from the SAlesLogix database who do not have any records associated with them (i.e. contacts, opportunities, notes, activities, history, etc...) PRIOR to import of the updated database. Basically all contacts who have never been touched since they were initially imported should be removed.

Can this be done through scribe insight 5.2? If not is there another way to do this?
Steve Meyers
Posts: 11
Re: Scribe Insight assistanceYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Sep 06 10:55 AM

It is possible to do this. Create a Source connection to the SalesLogix database without using the the SLX OLEDB Provider. Create a query to collect the ContactID's of the records you want to remove. Make sure you execute that query with [With No Lock]. Then connect to the Target with the SLX Adapater. Add Delete steps for each of the tables you want to remove records from. Then specify in the DTS Properties, to Chain to the Import DTS you want to run.

Hope this helps,
Steve Meyers
John Gundrum
Posts: 632
Top 10 forum poster: 632 posts
Re: Scribe Insight assistanceYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 07 Sep 06 10:34 AM
I would probably create a SQL statement to collect all the NON-qualifying ContactIDs. That is all ContactIDs that have had a history or activity record created since X date. You could take this one step further and create it as a view in SQL. This makes it easier to enter in the next step...

Once you have the SQL/view written, create a new contact group tab called 'No Activity' or whatever name you choose. Add a condition for

NOT contactId IN [your SQL statement or SELECT contactid FROM v_ViewName]

This will return a contact group tab of all contacts that are NOT in your SQL/view. Its actually easier to get a list of all contact IDs that have not had any activity or history since X date. So its very important to add NOT to the condition.

Once you have that contact group, make usre you're logged in as Admin to the Client and select Purge Records from the Tools / Maintenance menu and go through the process of selecting your 'No Activity' contact group as the group to purge.

Hope this helps.
John G.
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