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 Author  Thread: SSIS on SQL 2012 - Import Products
Vaughn Poulson
Posts: 32
SSIS on SQL 2012 - Import ProductsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Aug 13 2:06 PM

I'm upgrading an SSIS package that was built on sql 2005 to sql 2012 and am having issues getting a connection to saleslogix.  

If there is any way to get the new productid in the ssis without having to use a script, that would be ideal.  If not then how do you aquire a connection to slx in the script?

I've tried everything i can think of and nothing is working.  Currently the only way i can get the connection is to hard code the connection string inside the script.  

John H. Hedges
Posts: 62
Re: SSIS on SQL 2012 - Import ProductsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Aug 13 2:52 AM

You're not giving us quite enough information here - the main thing being what version of SalesLogix this is. If you're upgrading a package from SQL 2005, then I doubt you're dealing with SalesLogix 8.x, but if you're using SQL 2012 on anything less than SalesLogix 8.x you're probably not going to get it to work, period. As for the script code, I assume you've tried the standard way of doing it from SQL 2005-2008, i.e., casting:

Dim SLXConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
SLXConnection = CType(Connections.SalesLogix.AcquireConnection(Nothing), System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection)

...where the "SalesLogix" connection in the ScriptTask component uses the SLX provider listed under "OLEDB wrappers for ADO.NET," not the native OLEDB driver? Or is that not even available?

Also, when you say you want the "new productid," does that mean you want to create a new PRODUCT record for which you need to generate a new ID, or are you just looking to read new PRODUCT records as they come in from some other source?

Lastly, you should be able to get the same effect as hard-coding the connection string by storing the connection string in an object-level variable and then reading that variable into your script from a secured configuration file. It's a perfectly valid way to do it... whatever works!

Vaughn Poulson
Posts: 32
Re: SSIS on SQL 2012 - Import ProductsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Aug 13 9:48 AM


Thanks for this tips.  I am on SLX 7.5.2, but we are planning on upgrading within the next six months.  Hopefully after that i'll be able to have a more elegant solution.  I'll give you suggestions a go and see what i can do.  I'm reading inventory items out of our accounting system and creating new product records in saleslogix if they don't already exists and updating if they do exist.  I'll also have to create new product program records as well.  

I'm using C# and translated your code to the following:

<p>OleDbConnection slxConn = new OleDbConnection();


slxConn = Connections.slxOleDbConnection.AcquireConnection(null) as OleDbConnection;


and the slxConn is null. For now i'll just put the connection string in a variable.


Thanks again.



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