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 Author  Thread: Table Associations
Carla Tillman
Posts: 290
Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Jun 07 1:34 PM
Does anyone know where the information for Table associations is?

i.e. Where does DBManger get the information to display AccountProduct as "Associated" to Account with a One To One Relationship

Frank Chaffin
Posts: 475
Re: Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Jun 07 1:40 PM
Not sure what you are doing bu the metadata is spread around... the join information is in the joindata table, the primarykey information is in sectabledefs, there is also some info in resynctabledefs.
Carla Tillman
Posts: 290
Re: Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Jun 07 1:50 PM
Thanks Frank!

I'm trying to write a dynamic script for merging accounts. In some cases I will want to compare fields (1:1 Relationship) in others I will just want to replace accountID (1:Many Relationship OR StandAlones (TBD))

I can get the schema information I need regarding BaseTables and which Tables contain the AccountID (and EntityID!), But I want a little more power to this routine so I won't ever have to touch it again regardless of how many tables I add or delete.

In English - what I need to know:

(Table_A is associated to Table_B) AND (AssociatonType = 1:1) THEN
Do This
(Table_A is associated to Table_B) AND (AssociatonType = 1:Many) THEN
Do That
I am a stand alone table but I am tied to main table via ID



Walter Shpuntoff
Posts: 167
Re: Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jun 07 5:00 AM
This will give you a list of tables that have an AcccountID.


Carla Tillman
Posts: 290
Re: Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jun 07 9:02 AM
Thanks Walter. Be careful of using that when writing anything dynamic in v7. It also includes Views. You need to move up a level to get any differentiation between Tables and Views.

Frank Chaffin
Posts: 475
Re: Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jun 07 9:09 AM
In English - what I need to know:

(Table_A is associated to Table_B) AND (AssociatonType = 1:1) THEN
Do This
(Table_A is associated to Table_B) AND (AssociatonType = 1:Many) THEN
Do That
I am a stand alone table but I am tied to main table via ID



Here is a code snippet from a cascading delete function that I wrote a for use under V5.2. It walks the joins...

sub Gmk_Delete_Related_1(byval argParentTable, byval argParentKey, byval argParentKeyID)
nDepth = nDepth + 1
Dim mySQL as String
Dim myHnd as Long
Dim sChildTable as String
Dim sChildField as String
Dim sChildKeys as String
Dim sKey as String
Dim sCascadeType as String
Dim nChildCount

If argParentTable = "" then goto exit_sub

'** Delete any child records
mySQL = "SELECT FromTable, FromField, CascadeType FROM JOINDATA" & _
" WHERE Upper(CascadeType) IN ('D','C','S') AND ToTable='" & argParentTable &"'"
myHnd = MyDBOpenSQL(mySQL, True)
'** For each joined table
While DBEof(myHnd) = False
sChildTable = DBGetValue(myHnd, "FromTable")
sChildField = DBGetValue(myHnd, "FromField")
sCascadeType = DBGetValue(myHnd, "CascadeType")
sChildKeys = gmk_ChildKeys(sChildTable, sChildField, argParentKeyID)
'** Process joined table
Select Case sCascadeType
Case "D"
For nChildCount = 1 to CSVCount(sChildKeys)
sKey = CSVField(sChildKeys,nChildCount)
Call Gmk_Delete_Related_2(sChildTable, sChildField, sKey)
Next nChildCount
If sChildKeys <> "" Then
DBEXecuteSQL "DELETE FROM " & sChildTable & " where " & sChildField & "='" & argParentKeyID & "'"
End If
Case "C"
If sChildKeys <> "" Then
MyDBExecuteSQL "UPDATE " & sChildTable & " set " & sChildField & "=NULL where " & sChildField & "='" & argParentKeyID & "'"
End If
Case "S"
If sChildKeys <> "" Then
MyDBExecuteSQL "DELETE FROM " & sChildTable & " where " & sChildField & "='" & argParentKeyID & "'"
End If
End Select
gsPointer = DBMoveTo(myHnd, "Next")
DBClose myHnd
end sub

Frank Chaffin
Posts: 475
Re: Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jun 07 9:43 AM
Here are some notes I took on the Cascade type...

' Notes:
' JOINDATA.CascadeType values:
' C=The key field linking the record in the secondary table is
' cleared out, but not the entire record in the secondary table.
' D=Delete the selected record and any dependent records
' R=When deleting a record, clear out the key field linking the record
' in a secondary table, but not the record itself.
' Replace the key field with another id.
' S=(Stop Cascade)
' Delete the selected record, but do not delete any dependent records.
' X=(Don't use in cascade)
' When deleting a record, skip this table as If it did not exist.

Carla Tillman
Posts: 290
Re: Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jun 07 11:58 AM
Thanks Frank!

I think I might be able to work with this.

Frank Chaffin
Posts: 475
Re: Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jun 07 12:34 PM
You will need to access the joindata and sectabledefs tables. Joindata to find relationships, and sectabledefs to find primaykey names. Let me if you get hung up.
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
Top 10 forum poster: 491 posts
Re: Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 25 Jun 07 2:34 PM
Argh you copier type person. I created a recursive cascadedelete function in 6.1 using VBScript. My function is different because of the parameters I use (tableName, keyField) so it requires a bit of finesse to make the recursion work.

The cool thing about a recursive script is if you change the from and totable, I believe you can recurse up a "tree" as well as down it.

I have a VBScript example that might prove useful:

Public Sub CascadeIterate(TableName)
' Simple algorithm to iterate the child relationships of a table

' CascadeIterate(TableName)

' TableName as String - Table in the Database
dim objectRecordSet
dim stringSQL
dim stringFromTable, stringFromKeyField, stringToKeyField, stringCascadeType, stringJoinType
dim integerReturn
On Error Resume Next
integerReturn = 0
if (stringTableName <> "") then
' Match TableName in JoinData
set objectRecordSet = GetNewRecordSet(stringSQL)
if (objectRecordSet is nothing) then exit sub
with objectRecordSet
while (not (.EOF))
stringFromTable = .Fields("FROMTABLE").Value
stringFromKeyField = .Fields("FROMFIELD").Value
stringToKeyField = .Fields("TOFIELD").Value
stringCascadeType = .Fields("CASCADETYPE").Value
stringJoinType = .Fields("JOINTYPE").Value
select case stringCascadeType
case "C"
case "D"
if (stringToKeyField = stringFromKeyField) then
integerReturn = MsgBox(Application.Translator.Localize("Calling: CascadeTraverse " & stringFromTable), vbYes, "Validation")
CascadeIterate stringFromTable
end if
case "R"
case "S"
case "X"
case else
end select
end with
set objectRecordSet = nothing
end if
On Error Goto 0
End Sub

This sub takes in a table and spits out a MsgBox for each child table it finds. This can be annoying for large hierarchies so you might want to change that. I also use a select statement to deal with cascadetype, with Frank's method probably being better. I wasn't fully aware of the different types and fortunately I only used this function on custom tables which all have type D.

The fun part of a recursive function like this is where to place your custom code so that it executes at the right time. Generally the safe bet is to place it before or after this chunk.
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
Top 10 forum poster: 491 posts
Re: Table AssociationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 25 Jun 07 2:53 PM
Oh, I also use resynctabledefs to find primary keys. Considering that is all that table stores, it's much easier to find them than looking in sectabledefs. The only issue with that is it won't gather non-syncable tables.

Alternatives to this are using SQL's primary keys or gathering it from sectabledefs but there are problems with both methods. With SQL, DBManager doesn't always create the underlying key for custom tables (it never has for us). With sectabledefs there's no easy way of telling which record is the primary key. There's a keyflag column but in our database every record has it as 0.
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