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 Author  Thread: Data Migration from SLX to new database
Posts: 3
Data Migration from SLX to new databaseYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Dec 11 10:12 PM

Hi there

Our company is migrating our data from SLX to a new database.  It has proven difficult to ascertain what the SLX naming convention for documents is. We are currently unable to migrate our documents due to all documents seemingly saving in an inconsistent format and with reference/connection to the SLX record.

Could anyone advise the naming convention for documents please?

RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Re: Data Migration from SLX to new databaseYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Dec 11 8:46 AM

 It is absolutely consistent.

Take a look at the SLX documents folder and please point out the inconsistencies (and that will answer your own question as to format and no inconsistencies).
Do you see the unique record identifier for each document occupying the first 13 characters of each and every file? Do you see the '!' character in every single documents in the same character position in EVERY SINGLE Document? Do you see the FileName\Document Name following the '!' in each and every file? Do you see the .ext at the end of each and every file? How's that for consistency?

I just used RenameFiles freeware utility to rename 120,000 SLX Documents on a consistent basis to a different name, also on a consistent basis, and they all lined up with the new database..... go here:



"It has proven difficult to ascertain what the SLX naming convention for documents is."

First Clue: try heuristics!

Posts: 3
Re: Data Migration from SLX to new databaseYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Dec 11 4:21 PM

Thanks RJ Samp for your comments. It's clear I've offended you - apologies. I should have pointed out that I am not a technical person or a data migration expert - just a business person trying to successfully migrate our CRM from one to another.

Many years ago SLX was purchased by our company with lots of customisations made to fit our business needs and it has served us very well during that time.  We are now moving to a database that specialises in our area of work and would like to be able to migrate our data efficiently.

In relation to your points, when looking at the documents and the file names - yes - a lot of them do have the 13 character at the beginning and a '!'  - however none of them have '.ext' and a large proportion of the documents don't have any of the things you listed in the file name - hence the reference to 'inconsistent'.  (The documents missing all of these points do have the same characters infront of them eg: 6UJ9 - which may be a unique reference for something but when the rest of the document name is To whom it may concern - we're wondering how that points to a particular spot on the database. (eg: how does SLX know that 6UJ9to whom it may concern belongs to 'joe bloggs' record and that 6UJ9to whom it may concer19 belongs to Jane Doe?).

Additionally, with the documents that DO have the 13 character beginning, we wondered what this naming convention is as the character does not include the record ID number eg: Joe Blogg's ID is 2322 and this does not show in the document name. So we wondered how it is pointing back to Joe Blogg's.

Also, with other databases I have used, the document directory also separated out the types of files eg: a folder for resumes; a folder for job descriptions etc.  In SLX it is all within the same folder but doesn't appear to distinguish the difference so when matching a candidates resume to the 'resume' document type on the new database 'appears' undoable.  So we also had queries about that...

To clarify (in a non-technical way of asking!) we would like to know:

  • What is the naming convention information (or whatever it may be called) so we can match the documents in SLX to be saved against the same candidate/company etc on our new database?

  • If it doesn't have the 13 character reference you mention - will we lose these documents?

  • Does anyone have any pre-prepared information about extracting data from SLX to assist in a migration?

FYI - I had already tried contacting our SLX provider and no one will provide information on extracting our data - I've come here as a last resort hoping someone who be able to assist.

Thanks in advance to anyone who could assist.


Raul A. Chavez
Posts: 1300
Top 10 forum poster: 1300 posts
Re: Data Migration from SLX to new databaseYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Dec 11 5:52 PM

You will probably find help around here:


  The first thing to know about the Attachments is that they are not Stored within the Database, but rather on a Folder.

  The Attachment Record contains the File Name of the Attachment as it is Stored on the Disk after being attached.

  Depending on how Long you have SalesLogix, you may see different Naming Conventions around, but the Statement Above remains true.


  The Second thing to know, which is obvious from Number one is that losing Data from Attachments may have ocurred if the Drive was "cleaned" and files were removed, or if you have corruption in the Disk (I have seen cases where old attachment files don't open anymore). Sometimes it is due to Versions of the Program (e.g. Opening a 10 years old PDF with a new Version of FoxIt).

  My point being that if your Attachment Table has 2,000 records, you should have 2,000 files on the Drive. It is possible that through the years files records have been deleted and files haven't (or the other way around).


  Third point, Mail Merge Attachments are stored under a SubFolder on the Attachments folder. In that case the File Name will include the name of the Folder:  "Mail Merge\!QU6J9A000001.doc".


  Fourth, the Description field is typically the original name of the File. For instance, if I attach a file called "My Bank Statement.pdf", the Description will Default to "My Bank Statement" and the name will be set to "!U6J9A000001.pdf"

  This means that you could generate a Friendly Name for each file based on the Description (watch out for illegal characters on this field e.g. "?" It is a valid character on the DB, but not on the file system), and associate it with the extension (read from the FileName field).


  That said, your first task should be to reconcile the Attachments Table vs the Attachments folder and determine which Records are Orphan (no file). You may also determine which files are no longer linked to the DB and put them aside.


  Hope this helps you understand a bit better how the Attachment table works, and if you need assistance, there are certain a few of us on this board that may be able to work with you to help you achieve your Migration.




Posts: 3
Re: Data Migration from SLX to new databaseYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Dec 11 6:09 PM

Thanks Raul I appreciate you going into detail on this.  I will forward your comments onto our new CRM provider and let them know they can touch base here should they need further assistance.

Thanks again.

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