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 Author  Thread: Reporting Sources - Stored Procedures and the like
Posts: 6
Reporting Sources - Stored Procedures and the likeYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 29 Jan 08 5:31 PM
Hey all,

The next big hurdle on our SalesLogix implementation is customized reporting.

I'll explain to you what we're doing first.. We have about 20 or so reports that need to be generate using our current datasets. Some sources are from linked servers, so we believe that putting them in a stored procedure, and creating the one datasource for CR is the best way to do it. So, we have created about 5 reports in SLX, with the datasource embedded in it, all we do, is use SLX to pass 1 or 2 parameters to it, and the report pops up.

Now, I've been working under the assumptions of Mark Bailey's Article ( http://www.slxdeveloper.com/page.aspx?action=viewarticle&articleid=100 ) and it's been pretty helpfull as it defines how to implement it, but I need a little more information on how this would run, and secondly, any tips from anyone who's implemented a CR using a stored procedure.

I also am wondering if adding conditions is the same as passing parameters. and secondly, what is the actual syntax of this line:
.ReportAddCondition "Opportunity:OpportunityID", "=", "'" & oppid & "'" , "string", ""

Is there a full resource somewhere that I can look all that good stuff up on?

Thanks for your insights and help guys.

Snow Monkey
Posts: 214
Re: Reporting Sources - Stored Procedures and the likeYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 12 Mar 08 11:53 AM
you gotta pay for getting materials. There are not a whole lot of resoources out there.... When you buy CR software , it comes with Deve Guide and User guide. That is t he best resoiurce i have seen.get a copy of that.send me an email and i will send a softcopy

Also create a view with all the linked server tables and your slx CRs should only go against that view.

parameters and recordselectionformula is diff. You use parameters to accept data from outside and alter your record selection formula using that parameters.

crystal 8.5 is a mess; so be careful when playing around with multi datasources. I always try to get outisde the scope of crystal when doing thing.Crystal should only receive , run formulas and group.Eveything else should be your db and programming logic
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