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 Author  Thread: Contents of Notes field on reports gets cut off when it is more than one or two lines long
Posts: 2
Contents of Notes field on reports gets cut off when it is more than one or two lines longYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jan 09 12:32 PM
Hi Everyone,
I'm in the process of exporting data out of saleslogix into a CSV file. The problem I'm running into is that the contents of the Notes (Contact.History.Notes) field has some limitation on how many character it puts out. Almost all of my notes are very long, couple of paragraphs long and these are coming out half-missing. How do I increase the value of this field to accommodate the longe notes. Or is there a better way to extract the data other than using the query builder which is what I'm using. I'm running SLX 6.1.2.
Thanks in advance.
Todd Herman
Posts: 52
Re: Contents of Notes field on reports gets cut off when it is more than one or two lines longYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jan 09 2:22 PM

Compare the Notes field with LongNotes. You may still be hitting a limitation, I can't test right now to confirm, but right off th bat the Notes field limits to 256 characters or something like that and LongNotes stores "everything".

Hope this helps.
Walter Shpuntoff
Posts: 167
Re: Contents of Notes field on reports gets cut off when it is more than one or two lines longYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Jan 09 4:59 AM
As far as how to get the data out - If it's a one time thing, I would go to SQL and use the export tools. If this is going to be a regular event with end users involved - script something.

And as already pointed out - the full text is the LongNotes field.

The other issue that you're going to run into is that notes data is "messy" - lots of things that csv hates like commas, carriage returns, embedded quotes, etc. It's hard to get something usable that way.

You might want to try using something along the lines of pipes for separators (the | character) since people rarely use those in notes, and possibly removing the carriage returns. The other thing you might want to do is to use something like ACCESS or XML as your interim storage format.

If you go with ACCESS, you might need some smarts on your receiving side to handle the messy data to retain all of the formatting since Jet/ODBC tends to chop strings off at the carriage return as well.

For XML, make sure to use a CDATA designation on the field.

Good Luck

Posts: 2
Re: Contents of Notes field on reports gets cut off when it is more than one or two lines longYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Jan 09 9:50 AM
Thanks everyone,
When running the Query Builder, I'm unable to drag the longnotes down to layout area. This will be a one time extraction as I'm moving things over to Salesoforce. Unfortunately, Salesforce only has csv import feature with their Profession edition. Also, I'm not a database guy, but they tasked me with this. I will have my database guy look at Walter's answer above for xml or access. Anyone else has moved some data to salesforce from saleslogix, please share some ways you have done this. Thanks everyone. Great forum.
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