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 Author  Thread: Subscriber Email Character Limit
C Patton
Posts: 5
Subscriber Email Character LimitYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Nov 08 9:33 AM

We have an approval workflow we are creating with KnowledgeSync, and have run into a road block. According to the KS guide, if you need to deliver to multiple addresses from a triggered event, you need to concatenate multiple e-mail addresses into a comma-delimited list that is returned in a single field from the database. We have successfully implemented this in the past.

The issue is that in our new workflow, we need a significant number of users to be notified in a single e-mail. According to the KS manual, "when you perform such concatenation, please be sure to separate each e-mail address from the next with a comma (‘.’) and be sure to limit the total length of all e-mail address[es] to no more than 255 characters." Our address list will exceed the 255 character limit. Granted, I have not tried this at this point, but we have had issues in the past where ANY field that was returned from the database with a length of > 1024 characters would appear blank in our e-mail, even though it would appear correctly when previewing the query.

Is there any available workaround for these character limitations? It is essential that we return the address list from the database, so adding subscribers directly into KS is not an option at this point.

Thanks in advance.
Bob (RJ)Ledger
Posts: 1103
Top 10 forum poster: 1103 posts
Re: Subscriber Email Character LimitYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Nov 08 7:26 AM
Sounds like you will have to "loop" and break the list into chunks.. sending multiples.... That's how I'd approach it.. if I used KS ..
Stephen Redmond
Posts: 190
Re: Subscriber Email Character LimitYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Nov 08 3:57 PM

Sorry for being late into this, but does your query absolutely have to only trigger one result? Would it be possible to craft a query that just has one email address and send multiple messages?

Just an idea.


C Patton
Posts: 5
Re: Subscriber Email Character LimitYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Nov 08 6:21 AM
Thanks for the replies, all. To answer your question, Stephen, that is actually what we are doing now since it is the only way we could send the e-mail to a lengthy list. However, the requirement for the system is that it send a single e-mail to this list of people, so that they can see the others involved in the process and get in touch with them more easily (e.g. 'Reply to All'). The list can vary depending on the data for each record, which is why we are unable to set up a subscriber list and must build it manually when the event is triggered; each record could potentially have a different list of users who must receive the e-mail.
Stephen Redmond
Posts: 190
Re: Subscriber Email Character LimitYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Nov 08 3:33 PM
What I would ask now is if you have the full version of KS or only the e-mail alert version? If you had the full then there would be a good possibility to create a VBA script to generate the email. I haven't done this, but it is very possible with the right COM control.

Other than that, I think it might be beyond KS.

Probably no use to you, but I have recently moved away from KS to, what is in my opinion, a superior product (same as RJ would use).



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