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Using Classes in VBScript Sample Bundle  
Description:  This sample bundle demonstrates how to uses classes in SalesLogix VBScript

Category:  Code Samples
Author:  Ryan Farley
Submitted:  11/14/2002
Article has been read 14020 times

Rating: - 5.0 out of 5 by 5 users

Using Classes in VBScript Sample Bundle

This sample bundle demonstrates how to use classes in SalesLogix VBScript. The bundle contains a VBScript file that has a History class for adding history items. Also includes a form to demonstrate how to consume the class.

 Click here to download the bundle

Check out the accompanying article for a walkthrough of the process
Go to: Using Classes in VBScript
(or see related articles below)

-Ryan Farley

About the Author

  Ryan Farley
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
Customer FX Corporation


Ryan Farley is the Director of Development for Customer FX and creator of slxdeveloper.com. He's been blogging regularly about SalesLogix since 2001 and believes in sharing with the community. He loves C#, Javascript, Python, web development, open source, and Linux. He also loves his hobby as an amateur filmmaker.

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 - Using Classes in VBScript - Submitted by: Ryan Farley


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Author Article Comments and Discussion
Todd Hardin

Excellent work Ryan!
Posted: 11/14/2002 7:12:30 PM
Thanks for sharing what you have learned.
Ryan Farley

slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

About the 'History' class implementation...
Posted: 11/14/2002 8:02:41 PM
The bundle contains an implementation of a 'History' class for adding SalesLogix history items. While it is pretty complete, it's intended purpose is for demonstration only. I failed to mention however that it is for PUBLIC use. Do with it what yo will, but there are no guarntees, etc. Strictly a use at your own risk type thing, etc.

Anyway. Have fun with it. Use classes in your development and you'll never be sorry that you took the time to to write good code. -Ryan
Kris Halsrud

Well done
Posted: 11/19/2002 10:27:02 AM
Great demonstration of how SalesLogix 6 allows for true reusable code. This can add a lot of value for both BP and customers in the ability to rollout customizations quickly.

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