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Customizing Group Panes/List Views/F8 Queries  
Description:  We’ve talked about being able to ‘do stuff’ based on a user selection of the Groups, or the group itself.

Category:  SalesLogix VBScript Articles
Author:  RJ Samp
Submitted:  10/15/2009
Article has been read 33994 times

Rating: - 4.5 out of 5 by 19 users

Customizing Group Panes/List Views/F8 Queries
We’ve talked about being able to ‘do stuff’ based on a user selection of the Groups, or the group itself.

The Account/Contact/Opportunity List Views popup menus are customizable through the SLX Architect: Main View object’s GroupsPane. Each major entity has its own popupmenu, which appears for ALL groups in that entity. I don’t know of a way to hide a popupmenu item depending on which group it’s on, the user, database values, etc.

Select the GroupsPane, hit F4 and bring up the Properties Window. Tab Properties, pop up the PopupMenu property to reveal the Menu Items. Mess with SLX functionality at your own risk! Here I’ve added a menu item to copy a selected list (in any Group) of AccountID’s:

Here’s the script that’s being run, it actually gets the selected Primary ID (not the AccountID) from the GroupsPane (i.e. if you run the same script against Contacts it will return the ContactID):

Dim i, FullIDs ' string which contains final list of IDs
    FullIDs = ""
    For i=0 to Application.MainViews.ActiveView.GroupsPane.Selection.Count - 1
        FullIDs = FullIDs & "','" & Application.MainViews.ActiveView.GroupsPane.Selection.Item(i)
    Application.GlobalInfo.Add "ListofSelectedAccountIDsfromAccountGroupsPane", FullIDs
    Application.Debug.WriteLine FullIDS

  1. Copy Sites as part of CCP OppProductSites handling.
  2. Get a list of OpportunityID’s to manipulate en masse
  3. List of ContactID’s to add keywords to.

Credit to DevLogix for the script


About the Author

  RJ Samp
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
Sales AutoMated Presentations


SLX Integrator since the early days. Love working with SLX and Oracle. American Civil War Reenactor, bugler, mounted on a horse: www.rjsamp.com Trumpet player. Love to SKI, Frisbee, Hockey, Sail, Volleyball: do things with the family, sing in the church choir. GO PACKERS! Ex Sales Manager and Sales Man for Square D, Hubbell, General Electric Light Bulbs (Lamp Division). Met my NJ born wife in LA at UCLA night school....son Rob is an NCAA Division I mens volleyball player.

View online profile for RJ Samp

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