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Simple Product Import Tool  
Description:  A simple product import tool that imports products from an Excel spreadsheet.

Category:  Code Samples
Author:  Bob (RJ)Ledger
Submitted:  8/2/2005
Article has been read 15015 times

Rating: - 5.0 out of 5 by 1 users

Simple Product Import Tool

A simple Product Import Tool for V6.2.x.

I've included:
  1. Form w/Code
  2. Menu to launch the tool
  3. Sample Excel workbook (I use ADO to connect to the Excel workbook to get the import data).

This is a FREE UNSUPPORTED tool (that should have been in SalesLogix to begin with)

 Download the Bundle

... have a nice day!


About the Author

  Bob (RJ)Ledger
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
rjlSystems, LLC - www.rjlSystems.net - Sage SalesLogix Business Partner "...Customer First..."™



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Founder/CEO- rjlSystems, LLC - www.rjlSystems.net
- Sage SalesLogix Business Partner
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Author Article Comments and Discussion
Konrad Barth

Re: Simple Product Import Tool
Posted: 8/25/2005 2:39:01 AM
Great thing to start from. Good to not have to write from scratch when finding yourself needing to import something from excel in the Client...
Michael Hickman

Re: Simple Product Import Tool
Posted: 10/12/2005 8:44:24 AM
The SalesLogix Import Wizard will basically import from Excel already. Well, Excel that's been saved as a CSV, which is a pretty simple task within Excel. So I don't know what one would gain from using this bundle?
Bob (RJ)Ledger

slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

Re: Simple Product Import Tool
Posted: 10/17/2005 6:08:39 PM
Like all tools, the Import Wizard works best (no pun intended) when used for the purpose it was designed for. Specifically Importing Contacts and Accounts. However, the Product table(s) has no association with Accounts or Contacts. Although it is possible, it is not easy to imports Non-Account associated data (w/the Import Wizard). Also, my tool does pure ADO and not csv so there is not the typical "mess" associated with parsing that stuff.

This tool is also a complete example of how to write a tool for importing (into SalesLogix) any data using ADO. One just has to supply his/her own "connection string" to pull data from other sources.
Nicolas MIGNY

Re: Simple Product Import Tool
Posted: 1/11/2006 11:06:47 AM
Hello Bob,
thanks for your tools.

I have adaptes this to import oppotunities from a Access DB.
My opportunities are imported in the OPPORTUNITY table but they are not visilbe in the SLX client. (we are using slx 6.2).
Do you know why ?


Bob (RJ)Ledger

slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

Re: Simple Product Import Tool
Posted: 1/11/2006 11:58:11 AM
The tool was designed specifically for the import of Products. Products do not depend on any other data/table(s). At a minimum, Opportunities are tied to accounts (and possibly contacts).
Mark Richardson

Re: Simple Product Import Tool
Posted: 7/14/2006 5:52:16 AM
Hi Nicolas,
If this is still a current issue you have, can you give me the column names you have attempted to populate and a typical line of data ?
Tom Burnett

Re: Simple Product Import Tool
Posted: 12/20/2007 4:36:06 PM
Will this work for SLX 7.0.1?
Bob (RJ)Ledger

slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

Re: Simple Product Import Tool
Posted: 12/20/2007 5:33:44 PM

Re: Simple Product Import Tool
Posted: 3/25/2009 11:35:51 PM
Bob, thanks for the tool it worked really well and is great for adding new products. I simply need to update the price on a large part of the product master in SLX, and even though I click append, it adds the records again. I tried to export the whole products table and then click new, it told me it was going to delete and I accepted, it did its thing, but then when I look at my products they are all there another time.... Any tips for how to just truly append the proce of existing products?


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