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Script to Determine the Versions of Installed SalesLogix Program Files  
Description:  This utility script will create a file on the desktop named SlxVersions.txt that lists the version numbers for all DLL, OCX, and EXE files in the SalesLogix Installation directory.

Category:  Utilities
Author:  Bob (RJ)Ledger
Submitted:  4/25/2007
Article has been read 6073 times

Rating: - 5.0 out of 5 by 2 users

Script to Determine the Versions of Installed SalesLogix Program Files

This utility script will create a file on the desktop named SlxVersions.txt that lists the version numbers for all DLL, OCX, and EXE files in the SalesLogix Installation directory.

 Click here to download the script


About the Author

  Bob (RJ)Ledger
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
rjlSystems, LLC - www.rjlSystems.net - Sage SalesLogix Business Partner "...Customer First..."™



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Founder/CEO- rjlSystems, LLC - www.rjlSystems.net
- Sage SalesLogix Business Partner
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