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E-mail Address Validation  
Description:  In this article Thomas Aussem shows how to validate e-mail addresses in SalesLogix using VBScript and Regular Expressions. This article is a great source to get you up to speed on taking advantage of expressions to do data validation in the SalesLogix client.

Category:  SalesLogix VBScript Articles
Author:  Thomas Aussem
Submitted:  10/31/2005
Article has been read 23204 times

Rating: - 5.0 out of 5 by 8 users

E-mail Address Validation

In this article Thomas Aussem shows how to validate e-mail addresses in SalesLogix using VBScript and Regular Expressions. This article is a great source to get you up to speed on taking advantage of expressions to do data validation in the SalesLogix client.


With storing e-mail addresses in the database and using them for mail merges, you will often find a lot of bounced e-mails from your campaign, because the syntax of the e-mail was not correct.

The purpose of this script is to validate the syntax of an e-mail address to ensure it is a valid e-mail address. You can run this script after entering an e-mail address, e.g. on the OnExitControl event of an Edit control.

To perform the validation check on the e-mail address, this script uses a regular expression, that checks the allowed characters in an e-mail address.

' check the syntax of an email address (TRUE/FALSE)
Function CheckEmailAddress(strEMail)
Dim objRegExp, iMatches, sPattern

    ' search pattern of valid email address:
    ' valid characters are: a-z, 0-9, ., -, _
    ' only one @-sign is allowed; minimum is one dot after @-sign, number of 
    ' characters after last dot is 2 chars, maximimum is 4 chars

    sPattern = "^[\w\.\-]+@([\w\-]+\.)*[\w\-]{2,63}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$"

    ' leave function and return false when parameter is empty
    If len(trim(StrEMail)) = 0 Then
        CheckEmailAddress = False
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' generate new regular expression
    Set objRegExp = New RegExp
    objRegExp.Pattern = sPattern
    objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
    Set iMatches = objRegExp.Execute(strEMail)

    If iMatches.Count = 1 Then
        CheckEmailAddress = True
        CheckEmailAddress = False
    End If

    Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Function

This script will work with any version of SalesLogix 6.x, since it uses only VBScript and Regular Expression, which are available from any version SalesLogix script.


About the Author

  Thomas Aussem


Working with SalesLogix 6.2 since December 2004 You'll find my German blog (that deals with SalesLogix, SQL Server and web development) on http://www.opencrms.de

View online profile for Thomas Aussem

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Author Article Comments and Discussion
Ryan Farley

slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

Re: E-mail Address Validation
Posted: 10/31/2005 4:54:15 PM

Excellent use, and example, of using Regular Expressions in SalesLogix. Great article.

RJ Eaton

Re: E-mail Address Validation
Posted: 10/24/2006 10:44:28 AM
Thomas, Thanks so much you saved me a few hours of coding by adding this to some various places for checks.. !! Great Artical
RJ Eaton

Re: E-mail Address Validation
Posted: 2/2/2007 10:18:50 AM
I seem to be catching an e-mail address as a bad address that is containing an underscore such as "firstname_lastname@place.place.gov"

In your example above which part of the pattern is responsible for the underscore being accepted.. I can trackout the a-z however what does the rest of the pattern line mean..

Thomas Aussem

Re: E-mail Address Validation
Posted: 2/5/2007 8:41:14 AM
change the pattern into

sPattern = "^[\w\.\-\_]+@([\w\-]+\.)*[\w\-]{2,63}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$"

and it should work!

Best regards,

Re: E-mail Address Validation
Posted: 8/14/2008 10:58:23 AM
Can you give an example of how you tie that into the onexit control?
Thomas Aussem

Re: E-mail Address Validation
Posted: 8/14/2008 12:49:56 PM
Hi Matthew,

An example:

- Open "Contact Detail" in Architect, select email field "lnkEMail" and edit the OnExitControl event
- Add the following code:

Sub lnkEmailExitControl(Sender)
If Not CheckEmailAddress(trim(lnkEmail.Text)) then
MsgBox "Wrong E-Mail syntax! Please choose another email address!"
end if
End Sub


Re: E-mail Address Validation
Posted: 8/14/2008 3:08:17 PM
This is a lifesaver. Thank you Thomas!

Re: E-mail Address Validation
Posted: 8/20/2008 11:09:14 AM
This works great. I am going to look at adjusted this to validate on exit of any contact record, not just the field. This will help force at least the invalid addresses that people have entered, even if they are not good contact emails. (i.e. people entering web addresses and other nonemail entries).

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