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Thomas Aussem
Thomas Aussem openCRMS
fjrigjwwe9r1SiteUser:UserBio fiogf49gjkf0d Working with SalesLogix 6.2 since December 2004 You'll find my German blog (that deals with SalesLogix, SQL Server and web development) on http://www.opencrms.de
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Comment: Re: E-mail Address Validation
fiogf49gjkf0d Hi Matthew,
An example:
- Open "Contact Detail" in Architect, select email field "lnkEMail" and edit the OnExitControl event - Add the following code:
Sub lnkEmailExitControl(Sender) If Not CheckEmailAddress(trim(lnkEmail.Text)) then MsgBox "Wrong E-Mail syntax! Please choose another email address!" lnkEmail.SetFocus end if End Sub
Cheers, Thomas
Author: Thomas Aussem - 8/14/2008
Comment: Re: E-mail Address Validation
fiogf49gjkf0d change the pattern into
sPattern = "^[\w\.\-\_]+@([\w\-]+\.)*[\w\-]{2,63}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$"
and it should work!
Best regards, Thomas
Author: Thomas Aussem - 2/5/2007
Comment: Re: Creating SalesLogix Table ID Values - The Definitive Guide
fiogf49gjkf0d Sorry, I meant "Hi Ryan" !
Author: Thomas Aussem - 8/14/2006
Comment: Re: Creating SalesLogix Table ID Values - The Definitive Guide
fiogf49gjkf0d Sorry, I meant "Hi Ryan" !
Author: Thomas Aussem - 8/14/2006
Comment: Re: Creating SalesLogix Table ID Values - The Definitive Guide
fiogf49gjkf0d Hi Mike,
thanks for this great article! You might remember - I was the guy who needs some help with the slx_dbids() in the last days ;-) Especially the section "Exceptions to be aware of" was very helpful for me, because I had some trouble with generating IDs for the attachment table!
What would we do without slxdeveloper.com??????
Thanks a lot! Cheers, Thomas
Author: Thomas Aussem - 8/14/2006
Comment: Re: SalesLogix Web Services Toolkit
fiogf49gjkf0d Hi Ryan,
thanks for sharing this document!
Unfortunately the GenerateSLXID function in the sample code does not work!
Best regards, Thomas
Author: Thomas Aussem - 8/8/2006