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SQL Profile Template  
Description:  This SQL Profiler template will properly configure Profiler to perform a SQL trace on a SalesLogix database.

Category:  Utilities
Author:  Timmus Agersea
Submitted:  8/25/2006
Article has been read 12456 times

Rating: - 5.0 out of 5 by 1 users

SQL Profile Template

This SQL Profiler template will properly configure Profiler to perform a SQL trace on a SalesLogix database.

This template will work with the SQL Profiler tools for both SQL 2000 and SQL 2005. To use the template, perform the following steps:
  1. Open SQL Server Profiler
  2. Import the template (only need to do this once) by selecting "File", then "Templates", and "Import Template". Then select the attached template file.
  3. You may now start a trace by selecting "File" and "New Trace" from the menu
  4. Enter the connection details for your SalesLogix database
  5. Select the template file previously imported (Named "SQL Profile Template")

 Click here to download the template


About the Author

  Timmus Agersea
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
Customer Systems, Inc

I worked for SalesLogix (Sage, Best Software, whatever ) for five years and I have been a business partner for two years now (now being May 2006).

I am a SalesLogix and Microsoft proponent. I think SalesLogix, SQL Server, and Visual Studio are great products.

I also am a musician who betrays his passion by spending time making money on this geek machine. If only capitalism was driven by doing what we want rather than doing what we can . In all honesty, I do enjoy working with technology but I would much rather be on stage.

View online profile for Timmus Agersea

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Ryan Farley

slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

Re: SQL Profile Template
Posted: 8/25/2006 2:27:47 PM
Thanks for this Timmus!

Brad Corbin

Re: SQL Profile Template
Posted: 10/17/2006 2:53:20 PM
Out of curiousity:

In what situations would you use the SQL Profiler over the SLX Profiler?
Does it give you more information? Different kinds of info?
Timmus Agersea

Re: SQL Profile Template
Posted: 10/17/2006 9:48:26 PM
The SLX Profiler does not capture other applications hitting the database, SQL Triggers, etc. It only captures queries passed through the local machine's SLX OLEDB Provider. If you are trying to track down ALL the statements that are hitting the database you will need to use SQL Profiler.

And of course SQL Profiler works on earlier versions :).


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