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 User Profile - Nathan Baulch  
Nathan Baulch

Music: Amon Tobin, Shpongle, Boards of Canada
Activities: Snow Boarding, Weights, Cycling
Hobbies: Software, Digital Electronics, Indian Food
Languages: Java, C#, VB.net, C++

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 Nathan Baulch's Contributions
Nathan Baulch has contributed 1 comments and 1 articles.
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Comment: Re: Quick DB Setup - Quickly setup new SalesLogix Databases
The reason why you can't select an arbitrary SQL Server on your network is because the backup/detached file must be on a disk on the server’s local machine. The attach and restore commands do not support UNC file locations.
To get it to work, you would either need to have a domain admin password and write to C$ on the server or somehow find a writable/deletable share on the server machine and detect its corresponding local location.

As for your second suggestion, it has been added to the TODO list, as follows:
- Fix a spelling error in the create DataLink code.
- Handle database in use when dropping.
- Restore from a local active database.
- Stop button.
- Specify an SQL Server instance if multiple exist.

Author: Nathan Baulch - 3/17/2004


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