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 User Profile - Robert C. Levine  
Robert C. Levine
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
Advantageware, Inc.

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This looks like a really great site. Its about time too. I thank you a lot.
I'm an old programmer from the mainframe days who has been involved in all sorts of apps. I'm also experienced in C and VB and every DOS and Windows version which came down the pike. I've done financial (A/R, A/P, Gener Ledger, etc.), data warehousing, data query, and work in progress systems. At Advantageware, we developed the "VBAdvantage" Add-In for the VB4, VB5, & VB6 environments.

I've been working with SalesLogix since version 3 and have been 'cussing their VBA engine since that time. The new VBScript for version 6 is most welcome. Only I've not been able to find enough documentation to make it really useful until now. Until this month, I was involved in a heavy Version 5.2 application development effort for a local utility. I'm now starting a new Version 6.0 project and am happily diving into this new VBScript. On a sad note, I did find some serious problems with the new Tab control and have let SalesLogix know about it. Hopefully, we can all share this sort of knowledge via this new site.

Once again,
I am more than happy to sign up and will be happy to contribute (once I get up to speed),
Bob Levine BobL@Advantageware.com pblevine@ix.netcom.com

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 Robert C. Levine's Contributions
Robert C. Levine has contributed 7 comments and 1 articles.
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Comment: Re: The Myths and Legends of Prepared Queries
Question: If the update is to be used multiple times per run and there will be many such runs, then would it not be better to use a custom SQL Stored Procedure (and supply it parameters at run time)?

Bob Levine
Advantageware, Inc.

Author: Robert C. Levine - 6/14/2004

Comment: Re: How to generically invoke the edit form for a SalesLogix datagrid
Fantastic article! In the past, I've used "ShowViewForRecord" to invoke the edit form for a different edit view from the one normally used for a displayed row on a grid. In that case, the displayed record was a linkage record ("many-to-many" relationship) on a Contact tab grid to an Account related table record. But I had to jump through hoops to get an edit view going via a double click on a grid row. Your method for doing this will save me lots of time and effort. I've already put the generic code into an include script and it works just fine. Thanks again.

Author: Robert C. Levine - 5/20/2004

Comment: Very Nice
Another good Article. And folks, this is not meant to be full definition of ADO. We have books and references for that purpose. I do wish, however, that SalesLogix's manuals included chapters on the use of such things as ADO within the context of Version 6 and VBScript.

Bob Levine
Advantageware, Inc.

Author: Robert C. Levine - 2/18/2003

Comment: Grid Refresh.....
Thanks again. I wouldn't mind if I had a functional 'return from edit' event where I could place a .Refresh statement. Until this is fixed, I placed a manual .Refresh statement in the double click event for the grid.
Consider this a workaround but not a fix.

Author: Robert C. Levine - 2/18/2003

Comment: Related Question
In playing around with the DataGrid control, I created a Managed form with a grid and a related Edit View to add and edit records in the common table. Upon an Add, the grid refreshes automatically. But upon an Edit, the grid does not refresh. I dumped a ".Refresh" into the grid's double click event, and yes, double clicking will cause the grid to now refresh. But how can I set the properties to have the grid automatically do a refresh after an edit. Also, in prior versions, it seemed easy to have the old grid invoke the edit view upon a double click on a given row. In this new grid, I don't see how this edit function can be invoked via a double click. Any suggestions?

Author: Robert C. Levine - 2/13/2003

Comment: Pardon my English
That last sentence should have read: And, you got it.., as the user clicks on one tab or another, have a simple script which makes the appropriate tab visible and the others not visible.
Bob Levine

Author: Robert C. Levine - 2/11/2003

Comment: Dynamically Creating DataGrid Columns
Thanks a bunch! A great article. Using VB6 to explore inside these ActiveX controls is a real insight. I have a related point. If you are using a Managed View with a grid to a stand alone table, you must use a script on the form open event to set the Grid's SQL query to display the entire table. If you attempt to simply use the SQL parameter property in the grid at design time, you will have to declare a "Bind ID" or the grid will not work. I don't know why. If you use a real BindID, then you will not be displaying the entire table. But if you enter the SQL statement at run time (ie: DataGrid1.SQL.Text = "Select ...."), the grid works correctly.

I'm new to this website and to SalesLogix Version 6.0. This site seems like it is and will be a wonderful source of information for all of us. We should all contribute. ...And talking about that, did you know that the Tab Control doesn't work correctly? Controls placed on secondary tabs (ie: ActiveIndex > 0) end up being dumped onto the first tab instance. A simple workaround is to shorten the height of the Tab Control to only show the tab headings. Directly belown this control, place a series of overlaying Panels which conform to the outline of the intended Tab control layout. And you got, as the user clicks on one tab or another, have a simple script which make the appropriate tab visible and the other not visible.

Thanks again,
Bob Levine, Advantageware, Inc.

Author: Robert C. Levine - 2/11/2003


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