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 User Profile - Chris Fleetwood  
Chris Fleetwood
Global Knowledge.com


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 Chris Fleetwood's Contributions
Chris Fleetwood has contributed 3 comments and 0 articles.
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Comment: Re: How To Update Controls Across Forms
Hey Ryan,

Yes --- that does make sense. And it worked!

You just saved me an hour's worth of "hit and miss" troubleshooting. You are the man! Thanks!



Author: Chris Fleetwood - 2/3/2010

Comment: Re: How To Update Controls Across Forms
Does the Application.Forms object allow the external firing of a script, such as in the following:

set chkForm = application.Forms("GK Example Form")

(where RefreshGrids is a script defined on the "GK Example Form" plugin)

Author: Chris Fleetwood - 2/3/2010

Comment: Re: .NET SlgxApi.dll Managed Wrapper
Exactly how do you "add the location of SlgxApi.DLL to your path" ? Are you referring to adding a system variable called "Saleslogix" in the Advanced/Environment Variables area under My Computer and setting its value to "C:\Program Files\Saleslogix"? If so, I've already got this set up (and my PC has been rebooted just in case) and I'm still getting the "unable to load DLL (SlgxAPI.dll)" message. I checked and the DLL is there in that location. What can I do next?


Author: Chris Fleetwood - 8/18/2006


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