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 User Profile - Ted Sturr  
  Ted Sturr
Palomar Medical Technologies, Inc.


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 Ted Sturr's Contributions
Ted Sturr has contributed 13 comments and 1 articles.
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Comment: Re: Integrating SalesLogix Leads with LinkedIn
Hi Ryan - cool stuff. Just one question about using it with IE7. Every time you click it opens another instance of IE instead of using tabs. Actually it would be even better if it knew that there was already a window pointing to the linked in site - but that is probably mor difficult to manage. Is there anything to make the link "tab aware"?

Author: Ted Sturr - 9/7/2007

Comment: Re: Introduction to .NET in SalesLogix Version 7
Great article Ryan (as if you would produce anything less ;-)). I am looking forward to your future articles and insights on .Net and SalesLogix. Agree with you - it is a great new dawn that is approaching and a good day for SalesLogix developers.


Author: Ted Sturr - 5/13/2006

Comment: Re: Improving SalesLogix Performance
The packet size is done on the server so it only has to be done once, not on the client machine.

Author: Ted Sturr - 12/2/2005

Comment: Re: Total Control Lookups
Thanks Ryan -
If Not Lookup Is Nothing Then
End If

did the trick.

By the way - off comment question/suggestion - is it possbile to put a copy of the [add comment] button on the bottom of the form as well so you do not have to scroll up? I know, nothing major just occured to me when I wanted to reply to your message.


Author: Ted Sturr - 10/31/2005

Comment: Re: Total Control Lookups
How do you handle the cancel situation? Right now I am getting an error that the Object does not exist when I try getting the Lookup.ID. I have tried checking IsObject(Label) - returns True., IsEmpty(Label) - returns False and even IsNull(Label) and it returns False.

If I am not able to trap this condition than when I try to access the field I get an Error message that the Object Label is required.

Any ideas?

Author: Ted Sturr - 10/31/2005

Comment: Re: Total Control Lookups
Is DevLogix 3rd Edition now available? Ryan's link still references the 2nd Edition. For training purposes I thought that the 2nd Edition was good to get internal staff up to speed - but thought it needed more ActiveX and less legacy - sounds like this is what the 3rd Edition offers. Looking forward to looking at it.


Author: Ted Sturr - 10/27/2005

Comment: Re: Generically Setting a Form as Read-Only
Just a quick question on your example of using the class. Shouldn't there be a Set frm = Nothing at the end? If this is not necessary do you mind taking a moment to explain why you wouldn't need to derefrence a class?

Thanks again for all your great posts and examples.


Author: Ted Sturr - 9/27/2005

Comment: Re: Generically Setting a Form as Read-Only
Adding my thanks to what RJL already wrote - great article. Tied to what you have previously shown with the history class I have really appreciated the power and flexibility that classes offer the SalesLogix developer - and your clear examples and documents make the learning curve manageable. Thanks again.

Author: Ted Sturr - 8/3/2005

Comment: Re: Improving SalesLogix Performance
Hi Serg - some of the items are specific for MS SQL. I also do not have any real experience with Oracle but here are some links on optimizing Oracle that might be beneficial:
http://www.orsweb.com/techniques/undocnet2net8_parms.html http://builder.com.com/5100-6388-5101785.html http://www.mssqlcity.com/Tips/tipSrvSet.htm

From what I read from these articles it seems you are able to adjust the packet size on an Oracle DB as well.

Author: Ted Sturr - 7/20/2005

Comment: Re: Detecting the Version of the Installed SalesLogix OLE DB Provider
This is perfect timing Ryan - when I return from this trip I am on I was going to sit down and work through a strategy to determine the proper connection string, you have saved me a lot of headaches and time.

Thanks again for this GREAT resource.


Author: Ted Sturr - 9/16/2004

Comment: Also there is an issue with having the views work in Support
I documented this on the newsgroups, but if you are doing customizations within support 5.2 (haven't checked the behaviour in 6.x yet) the views will not work properly. Same view that worked in the sales client would bomb on me in the support client. Just an FYI.

Author: Ted Sturr - 6/13/2003

Comment: DataLink Designer ... simple utility but helpful

I end up repeating this phrase quite often "Thanks". I could come up with the connection string on my own, but this just makes this mundane task easy with its simplicity. Thanks


Author: Ted Sturr - 3/24/2003

Comment: LogSetGlobalID or DBCreateIDFor?
Love this board Ryan and looking forward to new articles. I was reading this article (I'm a little late diving into 6.0 going to do some testing starting this week) and your last sentence said "...just as you used to do with LogSetGlobalID", did you actually mean DBCreateIDFor?

Thanks again for all your help to the SalesLogix development community.


Author: Ted Sturr - 12/2/2002


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