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 User Profile - Simon Boyd  
Simon Boyd
Iron Mountain Europe


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Comment: Re: Introduction to .NET in SalesLogix Version 7
Ryan, I think it's 32 bit but I'm not 100% sure.

Author: Simon Boyd - 10/7/2008

Comment: Re: Introduction to .NET in SalesLogix Version 7

I've tried building the .NET class library using Visual C# 2005 Express. Still get the 'unsupported provider version' error. Thought this might be because I'm using the 'Express' version.

Now it gets really strange. I removed all the .NET extensions in the .NET extensions manager, then retried the form from the SLX client. I thought I would get some other error, but I'm still getting THE SAME ONE: 'unsupported provider version'.

I'm totally confused. Any ideas?

Author: Simon Boyd - 9/30/2008

Comment: Re: Introduction to .NET in SalesLogix Version 7

Sorry, should have mentioned, SLX client shows version, same as the DLL assembly versions.

Author: Simon Boyd - 9/25/2008

Comment: Re: Introduction to .NET in SalesLogix Version 7
Hi Ryan,

Thanks for the reply. I should say that I'm new to .NET and SLX (my background is Java and VC++).

"HelloWorld" is the title shown in the .NET extensions manager (it's the Assemby Name and Title I gave it in the VB project properties). I also checked the "Make assembly COM-Visible" option. From the previous comments, if this is not correct then the Application.Managed.Create would not return a value. Instead I get the "unsupported provider version" error.

I've checked the NetExtensions DLLs in C:\Program Files\SalesLogix directory:
Assembly version= for both.
I had copied the Sage.SalesLogix.NetExtensions.Framework.dll from here to include in the VB project so the assembly version is identical. Do I need Sage.SalesLogix.NetExtensions.Core.dll as well?
Is SalesLogix picking up a DLL with a different assembly version from somewhere? Is there a .NET dependency on some other assembly?


Author: Simon Boyd - 9/25/2008

Comment: Re: Introduction to .NET in SalesLogix Version 7
Great article, but I'm having trouble with this example on our Saleslogix system (

I have followed the steps in this article closely, including the suggestions in the comments, but I am getting the following error when instantiating the extension from the Saleslogix button event:

Script Error
An error occurred executing active form script (System:HelloWorld)
Error calling method btnHelloClick

Unsupported provider version

at line 12, char 5

This seems to be at the Application.Managed.Create call. The full script (with line numbers) is:

3 option explicit
5 dim ext ' this variable will hold the handle for the loaded .NET Extension
7 Sub btnHelloClick(Sender)
8 ext = ""
10 msgbox "Application.Managed.Create(""HelloWorld"", ""ClassLibrary1.Class1"")"
11 ' instantiate the .NET Extension
12 ext = Application.Managed.Create("HelloWorld", "ClassLibrary1.Class1")
13 msgbox "ext=" & ext
14 ' ext = Application.Managed.Create("", "")
16 ' run it (and pass any arguments)
17 Application.Managed.Run ext, "Hello from Architect"
19 End Sub
22 Sub AXFormClose(Sender)
23 if ext <> "" then
24 ' destroy the loaded .NET Extension
25 Application.Managed.Destroy ext
26 end if
27 End Sub

The msgbox call at line 13 is never reached. I created the class library with Visual Basic 2005 Express. There is no mention of what provider or version is involved.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Author: Simon Boyd - 9/22/2008


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