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Tim Willard

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 Tim Willard's Contributions
Tim Willard has contributed 1 comments and 0 articles.
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Comment: Re: .NET SlgxApi.dll Managed Wrapper
Hi Ryan,

I appreciate the wrapper. It looks like what I need, but I am having a few issues. I am trying to insert records into SalesLogix's database Account, Contact, and a Custom Table. I writing an asp.net 2.0 web page for SLX 6.2.3.

1) The SlgxApi.dll version states 6.2.0 .1287. The SlgxApi.Version states 620. The saleslogix client, architect, and administrator all state that it is version 6.2.3. Do you know of any a discrepancy between this dll and the actual version of running. I do not want to work with the db id issues found prior to 6.2.3.

2) How do you insert records using this wrapper? Let me go into more detail... The first thing my code does, after logging into the SlgxApi, is create a new id using SlgxApi.DBCreateIDFor. I then use SlgxApi.DBOpenSQL and pass in a sql insert statement with the newly created slx table id. This runs with success in my web page. No errors are generated. I can even query the database directly and see that the record was inserted into the account table. However, if I go to SalesLogix Client Application and search for the record, it is not found. Is this how I should be inserted? Do you have any sample code with insert statements? Do you have any advice or other method of constructing this?

Thanks and Regards!


Author: Tim Willard - 4/17/2007


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