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David van der Linden
David van der Linden (SalesLogix Business Partner) Cyberonics
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Comment: Re: Understanding the SalesLogix 6.2 Connection String
fiogf49gjkf0d I spotted that one. Unfortunately the SQL getutcdate() cannot be used within a function.
What I'm really looking for is the Table of timezones SLX recognises. If you look at the USERINFO table you get a short description of the timezone the user is in. I suspect SLX hasnt made this very sophisticated with a table of Daylight savings zones etc.
Anyway, Try this one we will use
ALTER FUNCTION [SYSDBA].[UTC_LocalTime] (@UTCTime DateTime, @USERID CHAR(12)) RETURNS DateTime AS -- SELECT [SYSDBA].[UTC_LocalTime] ('10/25/2004 6:29:39 PM','ADMIN')
BEGIN DECLARE @Year Int SELECT @Year = DatePart(Year,@UTCTime) Declare @TimeZone varchar(50) Declare @LocalTime datetime DECLARE @BegApr varchar(30) DECLARE @EndOct varchar(30) SET @BegApr = Convert(varchar,@Year)+'-04-01 00:00:00' SET @EndOct = CONVERT (varchar,@Year)+'-10-31 00:00:00' --checks the first day of month in relat -- ion to the first Sunday of the month. Se -- ts @AprDay to the appropriate date. For -- Daylight savings. DECLARE @AprDay Int SET @AprDay = CASE Datepart(Weekday,@BegApr) WHEN 1 THEN 01 WHEN 2 THEN 07 WHEN 3 THEN 06 WHEN 4 THEN 05 WHEN 5 THEN 04 WHEN 6 THEN 03 WHEN 7 THEN 02 END DECLARE @DSTStart DateTime SET @DSTStart = Convert(DateTime,Convert(varchar,@Year)+'-04-'+Convert(Varchar,@AprDay)+' 07:00:00') --checks the last day of month in relati -- on to the last Sunday of the month. Sets -- @OctDay to the appropriate date. For Da -- ylight savings. DECLARE @OctDay Int SET @OctDay = CASE Datepart(Weekday,@EndOct) WHEN 1 THEN 31 WHEN 2 THEN 30 WHEN 3 THEN 29 WHEN 4 THEN 28 WHEN 5 THEN 27 WHEN 6 THEN 26 WHEN 7 THEN 25 END -- default to Central if the user doesnt have a timezone in the database. select @timezone = isnull((select timezone from userinfo where userid=@userid),'Central Standard Time')
SET @DSTEnd = Convert(DateTime,Convert(varchar,@Year)+'-10-'+Convert(Varchar,@OctDay)+' 06:00:00') DECLARE @OffSet DateTime
-- NON-Daylight savings adjustments. SELECT @LocalTime = (CASE @timezone WHEN 'Eastern Standard Time' THEN DATEADD(hh, - 5, @UTCTime) WHEN 'Central Standard Time' THEN DATEADD(hh, - 6, @UTCTime) WHEN 'Mountain Standard Time' THEN DATEADD(hh, - 7, @UTCTime) WHEN 'Pacific Standard Time' THEN DATEADD(hh, - 8, @UTCTime) ELSE DATEADD(hh, - 6, @UTCTime) END)
-- Daylight savings adjustments. IF @UTCTime >= @DSTStart AND @UTCTime <= @DSTEnd Begin SELECT @LocalTime = CASE @timezone WHEN 'Eastern Standard Time' THEN DATEADD(hh, - 4, @UTCTime) WHEN 'Central Standard Time' THEN DATEADD(hh, - 5, @UTCTime) WHEN 'Mountain Standard Time' THEN DATEADD(hh, - 6, @UTCTime) WHEN 'Pacific Standard Time' THEN DATEADD(hh, - 7, @UTCTime) ELSE DATEADD(hh, - 5, @UTCTime) END End RETURN @LocalTime END
Author: David van der Linden - 11/8/2004
Comment: Re: Understanding the SalesLogix 6.2 Connection String
fiogf49gjkf0d Where is the slx_timezonelist stored procedure stored?
Does anyone have a good function/procedure for converting from GMT to Local time.
Most of our reports are written with sprocs and hence cant use the OLE Provider to do the timezone conversion.
Author: David van der Linden - 11/8/2004