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 User Profile - Luisa Blahetka  
Luisa Blahetka
Photon Dynamics

Developing SLX since 1 year ago. Currently in 6.2
Over 15+ years of experience in database development, data architecture and databases.

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Comment: Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)

Thanks for doing this. I followed it and I was able to open SLX and see the user control.

Two things though:

1. I deselected this new form, and clicked on the other Account forms. When I came back to this new one, only the hidden label with the AccountID was displayed. I had to ctrl F5 SalesLogix client to see the complete form again.

2. I have a form in VB.Net 2005 which is a time card form for field service engineers using the remote version of SalesLogix. Is there a way to use this form inside the SalesLogix client, so the form can syncronize?. We are in 6.2.4 right now. Plan to migrate to 7.2 next quarter.

Thanks again, this is very valuable.


Author: Luisa Blahetka - 5/14/2007


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